Pacquiao vs. Mayweather Rumors have Died Down
These days, it seems that all of the rumors regarding Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather have stopped swirling around. After Pacquiao’s win over Clottey and Mayweather’s win over Mosley, it at first seemed like there was a new “breaking” report every day. A friend of a friend who knows the inside workings of Team Mayweather might say that Floyd is ready to make a deal, or a local associate of Pacquiao in the Philipines might assure the world that he knows Manny will take the blood tests.

Stories such as this popped up everyday, leaving boxing fans to wonder what in the world would actually happen, and whether or not another very public breakdown of negotiations would occur. While keeping a fight such as Pacquiao vs. Mayweather in the media’s eyes can be beneficial, it can also lead to disaster.
The media provides a great soundboard for fighters, promoters and other individuals involved to take shots at the other side, to go back on earlier agreements or statements and to generally stir the pot when it doesn’t need to be stirred. So perhaps the lack of news regarding Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is actually a good thing.
Maybe the two sides are actually sitting down behind closed doors to work out all of the details and fine print regarding the best fight of the generation. Maybe the next piece of news will be the ultimate, that Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is signed, sealed and delivered, and we’ll be seeing it come to us live on a chilly November night from Dallas, perhaps. Of course, that’s all speculation, and maybe both sides simply aren’t talking to each other, and there hasn’t been any news or swirling rumors because there is nothing to report.
Or maybe we have all just become weary of the ongoing media battles and the constant reports, stuffed to the brim with a complete lack of real news. There is plenty else to focus our attention on in boxing, with the ongoing Super Six, the jam-packed junior welterweight division, and much more. Hopefully we’ll all be perked up with a Mayweather vs. Pacquiao announcement in the coming weeks or months. But until then, if we don’t have to sit through daily “news” flashes on the event, well, that would be just fine by me.