Home Amateur & Olympic Chances of becoming an Olympic boxer: About 1 in 1,000

Chances of becoming an Olympic boxer: About 1 in 1,000

Want to know what your chances really are for becoming an athlete in the Summer Olympics? Well, this nifty infographic is out to tell you. Taking data based from the number of participants in a sport at all levels and ages, as well as the number of individuals who compete in that sport in the Olympics, and you’ll find a rough statistical breakdown of how likely you are or not to make it to that grand stage. So how does boxing stand out amongst the other sports?

According to the infographic, made available by ECollegeFinder.org, men have a 1 in 1,875 chance of making it to the Summer Olympics as a boxer. Women have better odds, at 1 in 1,000. While those seem long, they actually aren’t too crazy, and are nowhere near the high end of the spectrum. For example, a women’s tennis player has a 1 in 36,415 chance, and a men’s basketball player has a 1 in 45,487 chance.

Meanwhile the sports with the “easiest” odds are equestrian for men, at 1 in 67, and handball for women, at 1 in 40. Hey, if not that many people are doing it, you have a chance!

Enjoy the infographic and take a peek at how it looks for Olympic boxing athletes compared to the rest.