Home News Live Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan round by round results

Live Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan round by round results

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Canelo vs. Khan Round by Round Results

Tonight on HBO pay-per-view, Canelo Alvarez faces Amir Khan in the headline event from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Right here, ProBoxing-Fans.com will be showcasing our live Canelo vs. Khan results coverage, with a full round by round blog breaking down the action and scoring the fight as it goes. Follow along here and reload the page for the latest updates throughout the evening.

Canelo vs. Khan Scorecard

Canelo Alvarez
 9 999 10
Amir Khan
 10 10 10 10 9

Canelo vs. Khan Round by Round Updates

Rd 1: First impression is that these two guys look pretty similar in stature. Khan lands a 1-2, while Canelo hits nothing but air with a left hook. Khan unloads with a six punch combination, most of it’s blocked, but he’s looking fast. Khan circling a lot. Can he keep this kind of activity up for 12 rounds? Canelo lands a counter left hook. Khan jabs to the body. Canelo with a left, Khan with a double jab. Khan with another flurry. Question is if Khan can keep this up, great first round for him.

Rd 2: Canelo coming forward more aggressively in round 2. Khan pushes him off with a combination. Canelo keeps walking him down, mostly missing. Khan with a series of jabs. Canelo not able to land much at this stage. Khan leads with a left hook. He’s already mouth open a bit though. But Canelo looks frustrated not being able to catch up. Another round to Khan.

Rd 3: Canelo seeking to cut the ring off more, but Khan doing a good job circling to both sides and staying on his bike. He jabs to the body then brings a nice shot upstairs. Canelo lands a left hook, but mostly blocked. Khan jabs, Canelo misses with a left hook. Canelo misses with a big right. Khan with a flurry, nothing doing damage. Khan jabs then just avoids the counter shot in return while up against the ropes. Canelo with a counter right. Canelo to the body. Khan with a 1-2 ensures the round is still his.

Rd 4: Khan almost slips as Canelo clinches with him as he was circling back. Now he’s smiling a bit. Khan with a lead left hook. He blocks a right hand from Canelo. Khan lands a right, Canelo to the body. He should be going to the body more to slow Khan down. Khan with a double jab. Canelo has a lead left hook blocked. Canelo lands a job. He misses a right, and Khan opens into him with a counter. Pace picking up here. They trade jabs. Khan misses with a big shot, Canelo ties him up. Khan staying behind the jab. Canelo to the body. Khan jabs.  Canelo back to the body. Closest round of the night. Still Khan’s stanza.

Rd 5: Canelo lands a solid shot early, Khan answers with a flurry. Canelo misses a left hook. Khan with more shoe shining. Canelo to the body, Khan answers upstairs. Canelo lands a right hand. Khan with a 1-2. Canelo with a sloppy right that gets blocked, then a big left that lands. Khan takes it but acknowledges it. Khan with a good job, then ducks under a counter. Canelo with a jab then a body shot. Khan bleeding now from looks like the bridge of his nose. Misses with a double jab. Khan with a 1-2. Canelo just misses with a homerun hook. Canelo’s round.

Rd 6: A familiar theme, Canelo to the body, Khan with a jab upstairs. Khan definitely not circling as much anymore. More flat flooted. Canelo with a big body shot, then a big le5ft hook upstairs. Khan takes it but those were big shots. The body shot likely did more damage. Khan with a big 4 punch combination. Canelo back to the body. Khan back on the bicycle. Misses a right hand. Canelo with a nice jab. Khan with a big left. Caenlo just misses with a hook. He lands a jab. He lands a big right. And Khan is done. He’s flat on his back and out. It’s waved off. A one punch knockout win for Canelo. Khan still down!

Canelo wins by a round 6 kayo.

Likely knockout of the year right there. Just an absolute monster of a right. Khan went down like a sack of potatoes. He was out before he hit the canvas, and spent several minutes down. He’s up now though and appears to be alright.

Official time is 2:37 of Round 6.

Early rounds in the bank don’t mean anything if you get hit with a bomb like that, do they?

After the fight, Canelo was questioned about Gennady Golovkin, of course. “Like we said in Mexico, we don’t fuck around… I fear noone in this sport.” He invited Golovkin into the ring, and he said he was willing to put the gloves right back on. Yet, he didn’t explicitly say “yes” when asked if he would fight Golovkin this year.

Then Khan was interviewed, and both him and his trainer want to see Canelo vs. Golovkin too.

“I think it’s time now where Canelo needs to step in with GGG… I showed my balls.”

“Unfortunately I didn’t make it to the end, but I tried my best.”

“My natural weight is 147, I’ll probably go back down to that.”

“Amir took the risk, now it’s time for him to take the risk… Amir set the tone, fighters should fight each other…. He should quit hiding.” — Virgil Hunter on Canelo vs. Golovkin.

Undercard Results Coverage

Thanks for checking out our live pay-per-view coverage, and be sure to check back in the days ahead for more post-fight aftermath and updates from the Canelo vs. Khan results.