Home News Floyd Mayweather’s $3 million bet on Michigan-Alabama

Floyd Mayweather’s $3 million bet on Michigan-Alabama

Floyd Mayweather has reportedly made a $3 million bet on the Michigan vs. Alabama college football game this weekend. It’s the latest mega-bet from the leader of the Money Team, who has never been shy about showcasing his affinity for a flashy lifestyle.

The bet, which was Tweeted by Sportsbook.AG, has not been confirmed by Mayweather himself as of this time. Usually he shows his winning betting slips or talks about what he has money down on while it’s taking place. So we’ll see if Mayweather has anything to say or show us either during or after the Michigan-Alabama game, which is the week 1 showcase for the NCAA football season.

Even for somebody such as Mayweather, who routinely tosses down a few hundred thousand dollars on a bet, or even $1 million from time to time, this is the largest known bet that we’ve seen from him. He put his $3 million bet on Michigan vs. Alabama, taking Michigan with the points.

They are a 14 point underdog against the defending national champions led by Nick Saban. However, they’re also the number 8 team in the country according to preseason polls, and have their own high expectations for the year, along with a potential Heisman candidate in Denard “Shoelaces” Robinson.

It’s not often that you can take a top 10 team as a 14-point underdog, on a neutral site. Mayweather clearly feels it’s a good opportunity, and I think I agree with him. Of course, if the Crimson Tide gets rolling, that could be a very quick waste of more money than you or I will ever have access to in our lives.

That’s why so many people love Floyd Mayweather, and that’s why so many people hate Floyd Mayweather. Either way, I know I’ll at least be a little bit more interested in the final score of the Michigan-Alabama game this weekend.